Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Have you met the kids?

An introspective moment; I was reading to the kids last night and was struck by how blessed Justine & I are to have two incredible children. Sebastian (3) and Agnieszka-May (1) are both healthy, beautiful, funny, smart & very (very) spirited. Kids take a lot (in energy alone!) but life without them is unimaginable. Proud as punch we are - if a bit tired occasionally :)

Have you tried our new Slideshow facility?

We like to think that we're ahead of teh game in album production. We design beautiful wedding books and use the finest craftsmen to finish our beauties. But, uniquely, we also prepare first designs within just a few days of the actual wedding, and post the page-layouts to private Slideshows for our clients. The Slideshow entry page has two samples so you can see how this works.